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CKL Software GmbH


AppInfo Detail
"AppId" "8703fd32-1086-46e4-96c2-9f2b5db689d7"
"Publisher" "CKL Software GmbH"
"Name" "Costing Method Change 365"


Partners and customers of CKL Software GmbH often need access to the source code of our applications for enhancement, testing, integration or problem solving purposes. To access the source code, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Partner Portal of CKL Software GmbH.
  • Navigate to Products > CKL Apps and download the appropriate product package.
  • Unzip the zip file and navigate to app > src in the product package folder.


You can customize the functionality of Costing Method 365 by using some of the many different Event Publishers. CKL Software GmbH is constantly providing Event Publishers to make our apps as customizable as possible.

If you need additional events for your customization in Costing Method 365 you can request them at Please submit the event request to us in the following form (example event request):

I need a new event in table “Service Contract Header” at “OnValidateTrigger” of field “Expiration Date”:

field(36; "Expiration Date"; Date)
    Caption = 'Expiration Date';

    trigger OnValidate()
        IsHandled: Boolean;
        IsHandled := false;
        OnBeforeValidateExpirationDate(Rec, IsHandled);
        if IsHandled then

New Event:
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeValidateExpirationDate(var ServiceContractHeader: Record "Service Contract Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed.

CKL App Version Compatible BC Version Description From BC16.1 Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central The module Costing Method 365 was taken over with the set from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central BC14 (Cumulative Update 14) C/AL-Code on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central AL-Code. From BC16.1 Adjust Cost – Item Entries runs with average items in endless loop Under certain data constellations, the Adjust Cost – Item Entries ran into an infinite loop for items with costing method average. From BC16.1 Release region US Costing Method 365 is now available for the US region. From BC16.1 Item posting after changing the costing method If the costing method of an item has been changed, this item may no longer be posted in the period before the change. However, due to a missing event, it was possible to post to the period before the costing method was changed. From BC16.1 Upward compatibility for BC19 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC19, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC16.1 Added some ToolTip The ToolTip property has been added to some Costing Method 365 fields. From BC16.1 Integration CKL Online Help in Costing Method 365 App Links to the CKL Online Help have been added within the Costing Method 365 app. From BC16.1 Change of the costing method for items with costing method average and item tracking code When changing the costing method for items with item tracking code and costing method average, there were inaccuracies in the subsequent calculation of prices by the Adjust – Cost Entries. From BC17.0 Upward compatibility for BC20 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC20, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC17.0 Implement Standard Cost Changes leads to an error message Under certain circumstances, it was not possible to implement the Standard Cost Changes via the Standard Cost Worksheet. The message appeared that the Batch did not exist. From BC17.0 Enhancement Costing Policy Worksheet The Costing Policy Worksheet has been extended by the "Earliest Change Date" field and by the "Preview Check Costing Policy" report. The "Earliest Change Date" field displays the earliest possible date when the costing method, item tracking code or base unit of measure can be changed. With the report "Preview Check Costing Policy", it is possible to check in advance whether problems occur during the implement of the costing policy and what they look like in detail. From BC17.0 Incorrect translation of various captions Translation into german was adjusted for several captions. From BC19.0 Enhancement of Costing Policy Worksheet and Entries with Teaching Tips Teaching Tips have been added to the Costing Policy Worksheet and Costing Policy Entries pages. Teaching Tips show relevant fields and actions within a page. They should give the user a better understanding of the corresponding page. From BC19.0 Enhancement of Teaching Tips in Costing Policy Entries A teaching tip has been added to the Costing Policy Entries page for the Costing Method field. From BC19.0 Upward compatibility for BC22 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC22, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC21.0 Upward compatibility for BC23 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC23, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC21.0 Critical error! Returning wrong costing method for inventory adjustment In Dynamics 365 Business Central, the costing method of an item is required for its adjustment. However, due to Costing Method 365, only the costing method "FIFO" was returned to the inventory adjustment.

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