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CKL Software GmbH


AppInfo Detail
"AppId" "32a8e514-216f-487a-82ea-23709b370af9"
"Publisher" "CKL Software GmbH"
"Name" "Kostenrechnung 365 / Cost Accounting 365"


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  • Log in to the Partner Portal of CKL Software GmbH.
  • Navigate to Products > CKL Apps and download the appropriate product package.
  • Unzip the zip file and navigate to app > src in the product package folder.


You can customize the functionality of Cost Accounting 365 by using some of the many different Event Publishers. CKL Software GmbH is constantly providing Event Publishers to make our apps as customizable as possible.

If you need additional events for your customization in Cost Accounting 365 you can request them at Please submit the event request to us in the following form (example event request):

I need a new event in table “Service Contract Header” at “OnValidateTrigger” of field “Expiration Date”:

field(36; "Expiration Date"; Date)
    Caption = 'Expiration Date';

    trigger OnValidate()
        IsHandled: Boolean;
        IsHandled := false;
        OnBeforeValidateExpirationDate(Rec, IsHandled);
        if IsHandled then

New Event:
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeValidateExpirationDate(var ServiceContractHeader: Record "Service Contract Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed.

CKL App Version Compatible BC Version Description From BC15.0 Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central The module Cost Accounting 365 was taken over with the set from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 14 (CU10) C/AL-Code on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central AL-Code. From BC15.0 Performance improvement for automatic cost posting The automatic posting to Cost Accounting 365 led to performance degradation for a large number of entries. This has been improved. From BC15.0 Import Excel file into Cost Accounting 365 budgets The import of an Excel file into Cost Accounting 365 budgets could not be performed. From BC15.0 DrillDown budgeted quantity in Cost Center Plan DrillDown of the budgeted quantity via the Cost Center Plan led to the Cost Account Budget. However, the Performance Budget must be displayed here. From BC15.0 Explicit dependencies on base- and system application removed In previous versions the references to base and system application were stated explicitly under dependencies in the app.json file of the extension. These were removed. This allows Cost Accounting 365 to be installed, for example, for industry solutions with customized base and system application. From BC15.0 Enhancement Allocation - Statistic The Allocation - Statistics within the CKL Allocations has been extended. All existing allocation entries of a certain allocation and period can be displayed. This makes it quick and easy to see which amounts were allocated in the past and to which accounts/dimensions they were posted. From BC15.0 CKL Cost Accounting Period In cost and activity accounting, you can now define your own accounting periods. This allows, for example, allocations, etc. to be created differently from the financial accounting period. From BC15.0 Extended Cost Account Scheme The cost account scheme can now be printed with additional options. Show Accounts: When printing a totals line, the underlying accounts can be printed separately. This makes it possible to identify the individual positions of a total. Check plausibility: It is possible to check whether Cost Account Entries/Project Account Entries have been entered more than once in the cost account scheme or whether accounts have not been taken into account. From BC15.0 Calculate overhead without result Due to a change within the Cost Accounting 365 Table Extensions no overhead could be calculated anymore. From BC15.0 Double posting in case of automatic posting of performance to cost accounting via the job journal In cost accounting, entries were created twice if performances were automatically posted to cost accounting. These duplicate entries were created if posting was done through the job journal. From BC15.0 Deposit of default cost account schedule and reference unit code in the chart of cost units and cost unit card In the chart of cost units and cost unit card no default cost account schedule and reference unit code could be stored. This was visible but could not be edited. From BC15.0 DrillDown within the cost account-/project account analysis view entries In the cost account-/project account analysis view entries, it was not possible to drill down to the corresponding cost account-/project account entries for the amounts. From BC15.0 Alignment of cost account-/project account analysis by dimensions to MBS standard The call of the overview within the cost account-/project account analysis by dimensions has been adapted to the MBS standard. This results in a faster loading of the overview. From BC15.0 Integration CKL Online Help in Cost Accounting 365 App Links to the CKL Online Help have been added within the Cost Accounting 365 app. From BC15.0 Automatic posting of capacity performances When automatically posting capacity performances to the cost accounting, problems occurred if no cost center was defined for the work center group. From BC15.0 Cost Acc. Analysis and Project Acc. Analysis by Dimensions After entering a filter (e.g. date filter) and then opening the analysis matrix, the following message appears: "The data set you want to open is not available". Only on the second attempt the matrix can be opened. From BC17.1 Upward compatibility for BC20 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC20, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC17.1 Checking CKL Cost Allocations Cost Allocations cannot be created if, for example, blocked cost accounts are included. This internal check failed for certain constellations (e.g. for type Std. Alloc. Assign./cost account). From BC17.1 Double entries in case of automatic posting to cost accounting In cost accounting, entries were created twice in certain constellations if they were automatically posted to cost accounting. From BC17.1 Calling error for Project – Detail Transaction report The Project – Detail Transaction report was not executed due to an incorrect expression. From BC17.1 Incorrect translation of various captions Translation into german was adjusted for several captions. From BC17.1 Extension of cost account schedules by account category The cost account schedule has been extended by the addition of the account category. This allows you to define cost or project account categories in the account schedule row. These can then be displayed and evaluated in the matrix view. From BC17.1 Alignment of some Cost Accounting captions to MBS Standard Some captions, e.g. Navigate  Find entries... have been renamed in the Business Central Standard. The new wording has now been applied to the cost accounting captions as well. From BC19.1 Upward compatibility for BC22 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC22, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC19.1 Deleting archived allocations Archived allocations could not be deleted until now. Deleting archived allocations is now possible. From BC19.1 Excel import – Project Account Budget When importing from Excel into the Project Account Budget, not all data/values were transferred. From BC19.1 Update demo data The demo data of CKL Cost and Activity Accounting has been actualized and adjusted according to the latest Business Central 22 Version. From BC19.1 Provision of further event publishers in the area of CKL Allocations Additional event publishers have been made available in the area of CKL Allocations. From BC19.1 Duplicate entries in case of automatic posting to cost accounting In cost accounting, entries were created twice if, for example, several lines with costs and performances were automatically transferred to cost accounting via the production journal. From BC19.1 Dimension grouping in allocation line When defining a dimension grouping within the allocation line, no division of amounts by dimension values was performed when creating the allocation. From BC19.1 Calculation of date filter and no. of minutes between runs in Reporting Manager Within the Reporting Manager queue entry card, the two fields "Date filter" and "No. of minutes between Runs" were no longer calculated automatically. From BC19.1 Change of the calculation in CKL allocations in "Group by" The calculation in the CKL allocations in "Group by" has been changed, because in certain constellations entries were not considered for the calculation. From BC19.1 Copy column layout to Cost Account Schedule Up to now there was the possibility to copy the Cost Account Schedule (row layout). This is now also possible for the Column Layout. An existing Column Layout can thus be copied completely. From BC19.1 Conversion of some option fields to Enum For the extensibility of Cost Accounting 365 some option fields have been changed to Enum. From BC19.1 Performance improvement with automatic posting to cost accounting When a large number of entries were to be automatically transferred from financial accounting to cost accounting, performance problems occurred. From BC19.1 Provision of additional event publishers for the transfer of G/L entries Additional event publishers have been made available for the transfer of G/L entries to cost accounting. From BC19.1 Default dimension in standard allocation assignment card The default dimension was not entered in the standard allocation assignment card. From BC19.1 Provision of further event publishers in the area of CKL Allocations and CKL Analysis Views Additional event publishers have been made available in the area of CKL Allocations and CKL Analysis Views. From BC19.1 Provision of further event publishers in the area of CKL Allocations and CKL Analysis Views Additional event publishers have been made available in the area of CKL Allocations and CKL Analysis Views. From BC19.1 Upward compatibility for BC23 provided In order for the app to be compatible with BC23, various technical functionalities had to be adapted. From BC19.1 Statistics Infobox for Cost and Project Accounts In the cost/project account card, the date filter for the monthly overview was not set correctly within the statistics info box. From BC19.1 Calculation via date filter in allocations When using the date filter in the allocations, the calculation of the period under consideration was incorrect in certain constellations. From BC19.1 Provision of further event publishers in Cost Account by Dimension Additional event publishers have been made available in Page 5000055 Cost Account by Dimension. From BC19.1 Increased clarity in the allocations Various fields can be defined in the allocation line according to type and distribution. Depending on the definition of the allocation, only the relevant fields are displayed with the option "Issuing area", thus increasing clarity when setting up the allocation. From BC19.1 Provision of further event publishers in the area of CKL Budgets Additional event publishers have been made available in the area of CKL Budgets. From BC19.1 Changing a global dimension for existing entries in cost accounting In General Ledger Setup, the global dimensions could not be changed if entries already existed in cost accounting. Changing the global dimension can have an impact (e.g. allocation based on dimensions) on cost accounting and was therefore previously canceled with an error message. The error message has now been replaced by a warning. A global dimension can now also be changed for existing entries in cost accounting. Effects on cost accounting should be checked in advance and, if necessary, cost accounting should be restructured. From BC19.1 Validation of the shortcut dimensions in journals Until now, the shortcut dimensions in the journals of Cost Accounting 365 were not validated. This occasionally led to errors when entering the shortcut dimensions. From BC19.1 Validation of accounts in cost/project account categories When changing a cost/project account in the cost/project account category, the account number was not validated correctly. From BC19.1 Shortcut dimensions in ledger entries All shortcut dimensions defined in the general ledger setup are now visible in the cost account, project account and performance ledger entries. From BC19.1 Cost Allocation Setup Wizard The Cost Allocation Setup Wizard can be used to define basic setup parameters for an allocation. The setup fields of the allocation are described in more detail and can be defined step by step. In addition, an allocation line and allocation assignment can be defined. The allocation can then be individually changed and expanded.

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